Medtech & Protech Zone
Product Range
Textiles and nonwovens for artificial ligaments, bandages, nappies, sanitary towels, surgeon wear, wound dressing
Chemical-resistant fabrics, flame-resistant fabrics, moisture-wicking fabrics, polyethylene, biological-resistant textiles, radiation-resistant textiles, cut-resistant textiles, waterproof and breathable textiles, anti-static textiles, dust-proof textiles, puncture-resistant textiles
Mobiltech Zone

Product Range
Textiles and nonwovens for floor mats, soundproofing & insulation materials, filter materials, seat padding, sun visors & sunshades, carpets and floor mats, soundproofing and insulation materials, filter materials, trunk linings, seat padding, sun visors and sunshades, car wiping, and more
Textile Chemicals and Dyes Zone

Product Range
Additives for chemical recycling, fibre production, finishing & coating, pre-treatment, weaving & knitting preparation; chemical dyes and pigments; and more